The weather has been so inconsistent lately in Southern California. Last week my friends and I were complaining about the 80 degrees weather and having to look for summery clothes in February. Then this week the rain came in and the heater was on all day long. How is a girl supposed to plan her fashion wardrobe for Spring? Does she shop for fabulous raincoats and boots to anticipate April showers or does she abandon Spring and shop for the heat that's right around the corner? And then there's the swimsuits that inevitably haunt every woman when the temperature approaches eighty. What is a girl to do?
Burberry Trench: a splash of color in the rain $695!!!
Hunter Tall Welly Boots: worn by all the "stars" $150
Essentiel Spring/Summer Lookbook
Essentiel Lookbook
Essentiel Lookbook
Karla Colleto: lace-up $395
Uummm, the plan is to starve for three months until June and with ALL the money she saves, a girl can afford all these fabulous clothes and look marvelous too! You go girl!
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